With due respect to your person

With due respect to your person
It gives me a great deal of pleasure to write you this mail and even when it might come to you as a surprise. I hope you find it of interest.

My name is George yusuf. I am an Auditor with a Bank here in Burkina Faso. I would like to use this means to ask your assistance in moving some funds over to your country.I have in the course of my duties come in contact with some funds that have been inactive for some years now and careful investigation proved the original depositor of the funds died five years ago. All attempts to reach the suppose beneficiary of the deposit were fruitless and before it is forfeited to the state, I decided to move it.

I have the courage to look for a reliable and Honest Person who will be capable for this important business Transaction,believing that you will never let me down either now or in Future. The owner of this account is a foreigner and he is the Manager of petrol chemical service, a chemical engineer by Proffession.
And my investigation proved to me as well that his company does not know anything about this account.I want to transfer this money into a safe foreign account abroad but I Don't know any foreigner,I know that this message will come to you as a surprise as we don't know ourselves before, but be sure that it is real And A Genuine business.Hope that you will never let me down in this transaction, at the conclusion of this business, I look forward to your earlier reply by email for more details.
Best Regard,
MR george yusuf.

Selamat tahun baru Hijrah1431 H


Sebuah tausyiah mengatakan hijrah ada 2 hakekat, hakekat fisik adalah pindah secara nyata, hakekat rohani, adalah selalu bekerja menjadi yang lebih baik, berusaha bahwa selalu memberi manfaat dimana pun berada. Dunia ini sangat luas, silahkan manusia hijrah kemanapun, dan jika mau bekerja keras, maka akan mendapatkan kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan.

Selamat tahun baru Hijrah1431 H

Semoga tahun baru 1431 H ini kita termasuk orang-orang yang beruntung, yaitu orang yang selalu diperjalankan oleh Allah SWT menuju ke arah yang lebih baik.

E-mail :
noor_yadi@yahoo.com; nooryadi@gmail.com
nooryadi@aol.com; noor_yadi@hotmail.com
Web :
; yumnanf.wordpress.com
Rumah :
Jl. Pala Barat 3 Blok M-19 Mejasem Barat Tegal 52181
Kantor :
SMK Negeri 3 Tegal  Jl. Gajahmada 72D Tegal 52113
Telp. 0283-357718  Fax. 0283-357718  Mobile +62-812-1595150
Jawa Tengah  INDONESIA

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